

【Bank Negara Malaysia BNM Blacklisted Company】

Based on information received by BNM, below is the list of known companies and websites which are NOT AUTHORISED nor APPORVED under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BNM:




有在名单里面的肯定是犯法的公司, 没有在名单的也不等于已经合法。好比云数贸没有再名单,但是执法单位已经将涉及的股东控上法庭。


1 1globalcash
2 1Gold.com.my 
3 3Sixty Venture Capital PLC (360 帝国)
4 Ace Global Sales & Services
5 Ace Dimension Network Sdn Bhd
6 AE Group Holding Pte. Ltd. (201322498-D)
7 Agarwood Venture (002273031-A)
8 Agar Wood Chamber of Commerce Malaysia
9 Ajuwah Realty Sdn Bhd (966604-D)
10 Ajuwah Agencies Sdn Bhd (966604-D)
11 Ajuwah Consultancy
12 Alpari (Asian) Ltd
13 Al-Saliha Worlwide Sdn. Bhd. (628267-M)
14 Amazing Yields Sdn Bhd (891529-V)
15 Amethyst Gold Creation Sdn Bhd (951063-K) 
16 APS Asia Plantation Sdn Bhd (984575-T)
17 Arba Emas Perak (SA0280035-A)
18 Aruna Travel
19 Asas Seroja Sdn Bhd (357014A)
20 Ashnik Holdings (M) Sdn Bhd (1124601D)
21 Ashnik Trading (002369914-W)
22 AsiaLink Globe Capital
23 Astral Progress Sdn Bhd (989294-K)
24 AU Niaga Sdn Bhd (907806-W)
25 AU79 International
26 Aurawave Marketing Sdn. Bhd
27 Axis Capital Corporation Ltd
28 BFS Markets
29 Binary Indulgence Sdn Bhd (963258-W)
30 Build Rich Mining Group Bhd (1006586-T)
31 Build Rich Investment Group Ltd
32 Build Rich Group Holding
33 Build Rich Agrotech Berhad
34 Build Rich Enterprise
35 Bumi Klasik Warisan Enterprise
**36 Capital Asia Group (M) Sdn Bhd亚洲资本再保险集团
37 Cash Deal Sdn Bhd (929192-K) 波斯顿 boss venture
38 Celik Emas Enterprise (0021517795-K)
39 Changkat Agro Resources (IP 0353991V)
40 CGF Fine Metal Sdn Bhd
41 CTK Network
42 CybertrustFX
43 Dana Haji Jasman
44 Danatama Millennium Sdn Bhd (819082-U)
45 Darul Emas Perak Bhd (1053229-X)
46 Degold Empire Sdn Bhd (882335-M)
47 Delta Wealth Services (002194713-K)
48 Destiny Resources Services
49 Dgreat Network
50 DM Rise Enterprise (PG 0262929-H)
51 DNA Profile Sdn Bhd (245435-W)
*52 Dream Success International Sdn Bhd (1002002-P)圆梦集团
53 Dynamic Wira Marketing Sdn Bhd - Skim Beras 1
54 Dynasty Worldwide Sdn Bhd (800311-D) 
55 Eagle Aeronautics (M) Sdn Bhd (796603-A)
56 East Cape Mining Corp
57 Ecofuturefund
58 Emgoldex (Emirates Gold Exchange) 黄金庞氏骗局
59 Empire Five Trading
60 Energetic Gateway Sdn Bhd (511826-X)
61 Epic Palms Bhd
62 Everise Fumigation Sdn Bhd (861654-K)
63 Exquisite Bottle Index Sdn Bhd (1060843T)
64 Extra Capital Programme
65 Ezey Marketing (网络金字塔)
66 E-Qirad Sdn Bhd (595699-D)
67 FA Markets
68 Family Wealth Resources (SA0310508-M)
69 Fari Group Global Resources (SA0319984-M)
70 FE Brands (M) Sdn Bhd (1000656-H)
71 Flexsy Enterprise & Barrilorne Corp
72 FNZ Capital Limited
73 Fortrend International Sdn Bhd ( 876619-X)虚拟币 
74 Futurebarrel.com
75 Future Trade Indojaya Sdn Bhd (1003327-P) 
76 FxUnited Malaysia (myfxunited) 非法外汇交易
77 FXZN Zenith Limited
78 FXZN Investment Limited
79 FXZN Zenith Management Limited
80 FX Primus Ltd 非法外汇交易
81 Gain FX Capital Sdn Bhd
82 Gan Patt Services
83 Ganding Wawasan Trading (TR0133766-A)
84 GGC Aqualculture Sdn Bhd (1044976P)
85 GGF Golden House Sdn Bhd (803753-W)
86 Global Creation Trading
87 Global Peace Loving Family 倒闭
88 Global Venture Financing 打人假拿督庄志雄
89 Global Wave Gold Corporation 
90 Gold Bullion World Sdn Bhd (1018604-A)
91 Gorgeous Chain Sdn Bhd (841928-P)
92 Grand View Golden Success Sdn Bhd (638186-X) -
Golden Maximum 
93 Great Access Sdn Bhd (517965-X)
94 Green Buck Resources Sdn Bhd (851115-A)
95 Greenmillion Agrosolution Enterprise
96 Green Forest Global Sdn Bhd (987049-P)
97 HAFX Global Venture Sdn Bhd
98 Harvest Reliance Consultancy Sdn Bhd (965589-W)
99 HEA Teguh
100 Hexa Commerce Sdn Bhd (645798-X)
101 Hin Huat Auto Sparts (TR0005484-X)
102 Holiday Express Asia
103 Honest Group Ltd
104 Hupro International Inc
105 Iconhill Holding Sdn Bhd (810775-P)
106 IGC Diamond
107 Infinity Star International Sdn Bhd (851864-T)
108 Iridian Ventures PLT (LLP0002569-LGN):
109 IronFX Solid Trading 铁汇~非法外汇交易
110 Instaforex (傻逼T1FX 勾结的非法外汇)
111 Isothree Gold Sdn Bhd (906561-K)
112 Inter Pasicfic Soyy Enterprise
113 Jalatama Management Sdn Bhd (929594-W)
114 Jazlaan Enterprise
115 JM Communications & Technology Sdn Bhd (702054-V) 
116 JMI Global
117 JTGold
118 Kelab Kebajikan dan Sosial Tun Teja Malaysia
119 Kelab Kebajikan Sosial Malaysia (VVIP88)
120 Keenan Capital Group
121 Keenan Prestige Services
122 Keenan Brilliant Services
123 Khaira Sakinah Resources (CT0018249-R)
124 KL FxUnited Club (MPA 非法外汇)
125 Kris Plus Enterprise (IP0238424-A)
126 Kudaemas
127 Lestari2U
128 Liberty Reserve
129 Life Time Holidays Sdn Bhd (727129-U)
130 LocalAdClick
131 LocusNetwork4u.com 
132 LS Gold Bullion Sdn Bhd (235435-H)
133 Mari Wholesale (M) Sdn Bhd (556117-T)
134 Maxim Capital Ltd 马胜集团 非法外汇
135 Maza Network Sdn Bhd (1006389-H)
136 Meccafund Family Malaysia
137 McRen Oceanus Sdn Bhd (908484-X)
138 Mega Dynasty Sdn Bhd (931589-V)
139 Megaherbs Bioextreme (001946380-K)
140 Megah Mewah Trading (SA0295909-A)
141 MGSB Holding Sdn Bhd
142 MD Venture Group Sdn Bhd (1058936U)
143 MH Secret Wealth Enterprise (NS0122059A)
144 Million Jade Sdn Bhd
145 Miracle Day Trading (JR0047390-V)
146 Mohamad World Enterprise
147 MOP Consultant Sdn. Bhd (101867-W) 王瑞文MOP
148 My Cameron Hills Sdn Bhd (984170M)
149 Nexgain Malaysia Sdn Bhd (773854-D)
150 Nory Motor (TR0023237-H)
151 Norry Setia Ent (TR0103958-M)
152 NTB Agencies Sdn Bhd (1039052-M)
153 Ocean Century International Limited 浩勝國際 
154 OCI Management Sdn Bhd (1042036X)
155 OCI Venture Sdn Bhd (1039926H)
156 ODFX
157 OLTA Capital Management Inc.
158 One AutoCash 
159 Orion Healthcare Management Services Sdn Bhd
160 Orion Prokasih (M) Sdn Bhd
161 Overseas Delight Sdn Bhd (614245-W)
162 Pancar Mayang Sdn Bhd (527196-H)
163 Pars Pay Sdn Bhd (813378-V)
164 Pegasus Bullion 在泰国被消灭
165 Perfway Traders Sdn Bhd (918583-V)
166 Perniagaan Jatidana Wawasan (M) Sdn Bhd
167 Perubatan Islam Seiring Syariat Al-Ikhlas
168 Power Trade Asia Sdn Bhd (933528-T)
169 PPC Storm
170 Preferred Credentials Sdn Bhd
171 Premier Ventures Gold
172 Prestige Dairy Farm (M) Berhad (832757-A)
173 Profit Web Sdn Bhd
174 Program 10 Bulan Forex Trading
175 Program I-Rich
176 Pro Infinity Ltd
177 Projek Duit 2012
178 Provisio Multimedia
179 Public Golden House Sdn Bhd (806825-M)黄金投资诈骗
180 Puncak Hartawan Resources (0000097980-T)
181 Quantum Capital Program 
182 Ram Kris Venture (0024165647-K)
183 Real Biz Pasif
184 Real Ingenious Sdn Bhd (926598-U)
185 Rejab Trading (TR0115248-A)
186 Rejabwealth Sdn Bhd (1005424-X)
187 Reza Anuar Seven
188 Retro Titan Sdn Bhd
189 RGCX Trading Corp 
190 Rimbun Tekad Realty Sdn Bhd (966604-D)
191 Rimbun Tekad Consultancy Sdn Bhd (966620-V)
192 Rising Premium Sdn Bhd (285572-P)
194 RM20segera.com
195 RN Corporate Services Sdn Bhd
196 Rowther Technologies MSC Sdn Bhd (727979-T)
197 Royal Gold Sdn Bhd (1005830-X) 黄金诈骗
198 Royale Team Groups
199 RS Capital Holdings Bhd (819833-P)
200 Sejati Agarwood Enterprise
201 Sera Land Mangement & Enterprise (JM0503206-P)
202 SGFM Trading Sdn Bhd (936419-V)
203 Slimberry Extreme Team
204 Speedline
205 Srgold Exchange Bhd (1033164-V)
206 Sri Perkasa Emas Trading
207 Sri Chempaka Emas Enterprise (SA0293336-P)
*208 Steady Dynasty Sdn Bhd (782270-H) 【MC OCEAN】
209 Steady Global Network Sdn Bhd
210 Suliz Pearl Mines
211 Suisse Coins Sdn Bhd (suisse international 黄金诈骗)
212 Sweblink Global Network Sdn Bhd (209952-H)
213 Swiss Capital Venture
214 Syarikat Azza Motor Network Sdn Bhd (104795-P)
215 Syarikat GECS Ltd
216 Syarikat Sri Alam
217 Tabung Dana Ehsan
218 Tanjung Trading ((TR0123942-W)
219 Tenaga Setia Services (107239-P)
220 TG Reliance Sdn Bhd (1086255-A)
221 The Gold Guarantee
222 Titan Group Sdn. Bhd (823732-U)
223 Trillion Venture
224 TukarGold.net
225 UER Gold 
226 UFUNCLUB 优趣俱乐部 虚拟币,在泰国歼灭 
227 Ultimate Power Profits
228 United American Traders Council
229 Uni Argrow (Cambodia) Co. Ltd
230 Uncang Teguh Resources (0000102116-T)
231 Urustabil Sdn Bhd (545426-X)
232 VC Gold Sdn Bhd (722295-T)
233 Virgin Gold Mining Corporation
234 Verger Management Services
235 Wadiah Trading
236 Water World Marketing (CA0177161-P)
237 Westrank Equity Sdn Bhd (1046449-A)
238 Windsor Fragrance Sdn Bhd (599208-H)
239 World Dirham Berhad (970807-X)
240 WSL Merchants Pte Ltd
241 XOC7
242 YDS Corporate Line Sdn Bhd (877697-P)
243 YDS Holding Groups Bhd (987797-T)
244 Zeta Capital Management
245 Zill Akasha Gemilang Enterprise
246 Zness.com
Asean Union (Labuan) Foundation 辽国沙湾投资骗局
Asean Union Incorporated 辽国沙湾投资骗局
Asean Paradize Incorporated 辽国沙湾投资骗局
Boss Venture/ Cash Deal Sdn Bhd 非法集资
Equity World Advisory Sdn Bhd
SLV Worldwide Inc 非法售卖原始股
SLV Solutions Sdn Bhd. 非法售卖原始股
UFunClub 非法集资
UTokens, UToken Mutual Fund 非法集资

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