
根据1989马来西亚银行与金融法BAFIA规定: 任何人在没有得到有效执照之前,擅自向公众『索取』/『接受』投资金,贵重金属,任何有价值之物品。作为取得『公司所承诺的高回酬』的抵押。 就已经触犯了法律。

3【Raids on Illegal Deposit Taking Operators】

你他妈的不见棺材不掉泪, 一群『鸡鸡怕太软』的成员,真的是死到临头还不知道花生什么事!我有空就会把这些人非法集资的证据收集齐齐, 伊美尔(email )给国行,看看谁要被叫去喝咖啡,穿紫杉龙袍。

任何人在没有得到有效执照之前,擅自向公众『索取』/『接受』投资金,贵重金属,任何有价值之物品。作为取得『公司所承诺的高回酬』的抵押。 就已经触犯了法律。

公司本身没有持有有效的执照,并且利用投资者贪婪的欲念, 提供『超过国家银行所规定』的高回酬,作为吸引投资者参与的诱饵。 回酬可以是金钱,贵重金属,物品或相关等值的任何代价。

根据BAFIA 马来西亚1989银行与金融法令。
这些人已经触犯BAFIA 马来西亚1989银行与金融法令地25(1)条款。。 只要经过法庭定罪, 犯人将会罚款不超过1000万,坐牢不超过10年,或者两者兼施。

【Raids on Illegal Deposit Taking Operators】

于1993年, 9月3号,警方经多多方调查后, 成功在Wisma Merdeka ,kota kinabaru 沙巴扫荡非法集资集团,并且将所有人定罪。

该公司承诺并且与投资者签下合约,每个月派发利息 20% 维持6个月, 90天后还回投资者本钱,以吸引投资者把大量金钱投资下去。

根基1989银行金融法,只有合格,有执照的银行,钱币兑换商,可以向公众收取金钱或投资。 任何人千万不要参与非法集资的活动, 否则一旦罪名成立,将会在1989银行法令下,罚款不超过1000万,坐牢不超过10年,或者两者兼施。

【Illegal Deposit Taking】
Illegal Deposit Taking is an act of receiving, taking or accepting of deposits (moneys, precious metals, precious stones, any other article etc.) from members of the public that promises a repayment with interest or returns in money or money's worth without a valid license under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA).

【What are the characteristics?】
The operators of the "illegal deposit taking" schemes have no valid licence to collect deposits and exploit the basic human tendency towards greed. The operator promises very high returns on investment. The returns are normally higher than the rates offered by authorised investment schemes or licensed financial institutions. Besides cash, part of the return may be paid in kind, i.e. goods, jewellery etc.

Illegal deposit taking contravenes the Banking and Financial Act 1989 (BAFIA) under Section 25(1). On conviction, operators are liable to a fine not exceeding RM10 million or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years, or both.
Friday 03 September 1999 
【Raids on Illegal Deposit Taking Operators】
Investigating officers of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) have today successfully conducted raids based on public complaints on two office premises alleged to have conducted illegal deposit-taking activities at Wisma Merdeka, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Several documents were seized during the raids. Police officers from the Commercial Crime Division of Sabah Police Head Quarters assisted in the raids.

BNM will commence investigations on the operators of the alleged illegal deposit-taking activities, an offence under Section 25(1) of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (Bafia). If they are found to have contravened the said section, action will be taken to prosecute them.

Under the scheme offered by the alleged operators, depositors have to sign agreements whereby they will not be given any returns during the first 90 days. Thereafter, the operators will pay the depositors 20 % of their capital every 30 days for the following six months.

Under Bafia, only licensed financial institutions are allowed to accept deposits. Licensed financial institutions are the commercial banks, finance companies, merchant banks and discount houses.

Members of the public are reminded not to participate in any illegal deposit-taking schemes to avoid losses and become victims of such scams. Upon conviction, an illegal deposit-taking operator can be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or with a fine up to RM10 million, or with both such imprisonment or fine.

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