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1)Soi Ram Inthra 14 号豪宅
2)Chaeng Wattana的四层楼商用办公楼,




中将SUWIRA表示,随着UFUN案件已经到了面对现实,无法挽救的地步, 受害人数暴增至1000人,损失估计达到2亿泰铢。而截至昨天,警方共充公价值8.12亿泰铢的资产。
大马警方目前也正在追查位于大马的一家名为UFUN STORE 的公司是否涉及金字塔传销的行为。

而经由泰国提供的是所有资料显示,泰国UFUN与大马UFUN STORE 是完全有关联的。
泰国贸易与消费部长 Angkul Klaikleung 将军也向公众作出警告, 任何人曾经接收过,低价收购过娜莫潘的 两部马赛地, 与全新的本田跑车,都已经触犯法律,将会被提控。

Third house 'seized' from UFUN suspect
THE SUNDAY NATION May 10, 2015 1:00 am
POLICE yesterday searched a third house in Bangkok belonging to a female suspect in UFUN Thailand's alleged pyramid scheme.

Police "seized" the house in Lat Phrao and assets worth Bt12 million so the Anti-Money Laundering Office can further investigate.

Suspect Namonpan Thara-bundit, a top member of UFUN Thailand who was in custody at the time, was nabbed while trying to leave Thailand via Nong Khai last month.

Previously, police seized Namonpan's house in Soi Ram Inthra 14 and a four-storey business-house in Chaeng Wattana, the latter having been used as UFUN's office.

This third property, a two-storey house on 300 square metres, was brought by Namonpan last December under her auto-parts dealer ex-husband's name, police said, adding that they would not file a charge against the ex-husband but requested he provide information first.

The police found that Namonpan had wired Bt177 million to UFUN and transferred money to other individuals on various occasions.

Police said they would check the details of those transactions.

Assistant national police chief Lt-General Suwira Songmetta said nearly 1,000 alleged UFUN victims had come forward to lodge complaints against the company. Their losses are estimated at Bt200 million in total.

Including yesterday's seizures, police have so far impounded assets worth Bt812 million.
Suwira said the case would be filed with public prosecutors this month, so prosecutors could compile documents and evidence before officially contacting Malaysian authorities.
Malaysian authorities are also looking into an alleged pyramid scheme linked to a company there called UFUN Store.

Police said the evidence suggested UFUN and UFUN Store were linked.
Colonel Angkul Klaikleung, deputy chief of the Consumer Protection Police Division, urged people who received Namonpan's assets - such as two Mercedes and a brand-new Honda sedan - to notify police so they would not be charged.

娜莫潘是UFUN最高业绩的高层,他在警方捣毁UFUN的时候试图潜逃到邻国被逮捕落网。警方随着查封并充公她的两栋房子分辨位于: 1)Soi Ram Inthra 14 号豪宅 2)Chaeng Wattana的四层楼商用办公楼,


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